Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014


Dialog Ku

Khusnul   : excuse me, maam
Winda       : yes, come in please
Khusnul    : I’m sorry maam maybe I will disturb your worktime
Winda      : no, problem
               What happen with you ? ,what can i do for you?
Khusnul   : I have a problem with the English lesson maam
Winda     : what is your matter with English lesson?
Khusnul   : I always get the bad score every the daily test of English lesson. I think I’m difficult to remember  many English words or vocabulary. Do you have any suggestion for me maam?
Winda     : I’m understand about your problems. But eventually study English is fun. I have suggestion to  help you in learning process about English. First, you shoud remember many word, like the  verbs, adjectives and many other you should try it second or three times.
Khusnul  : what should I do if I’m difficult to remember them?
Winda     : the English songs can heip you. The English songs are not only the learning English  song, you  Can to use the English pop, like ‘’sommeone like you”, “sometimes”
Khusnul  : you mean, I must sing the English song and I must remember their translation.
Winda     :yes, you should sing them everyday or everyfree time
Khusnul   : it’s okay maam,
                   Thank you for your helpin,.
                    I’ii try it. 
Winda      : with pleasure, be success !!! 
 Khusnul  : OKAY 

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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Alhamdulilah, because we can for today another together in our beautiful classroom.
The honourable for my English teacher ,Mrs.Erni and all friends that have available in this afternoon.

on today I will pass on oration about Narcotics And Drugs.

At Indonesia foots up narcotics and drugs user so big. Narcotic abuse and aditif's substance another take in extensive impact. As impact it for example behaviour change, health trouble, menurunnya is work productivity drastically, criminality and acts another violence.

Narcotics and drugs abuse can thru prevent programs amongst those follows social activity, don't interact with user or narcotics and drugs distributor, are not easily effected invitation or sweet talk to utilize narcotics and drugs. Narcotics and drugs user usually more dominated by adolescent and school child.

School also give counselling to students about danger and effect of narcotics and drugs abuse. Other program that adequately is of important is program alert Narcotic by recognize student marking that utilizes narcotics and drugs, beware to mark sense guest that doesn't be known or distributor, doing sudden razia.

Usually distributor and also user at schooled saw really programs at schooled for user or user prevention at schooled, they indeed anticipate it with as good as that they can. As smart as whatever methods they, supposing as clever as squirrel jump, finally falls also.

To it lets we avoid and come away and following extirpate narcotics and drugs purpose. Oration such that I can pass on if available converse deep fault word, I apologise. At attention I extend gratitude and I end up.

Wassalamu ’ alaikum Wr. Wb..

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